Friday, January 2, 2009

morning walk

It's 9am and I'm hungry.

God decided the day was best dressed in a metallic grey ensemble accented by plunging gemstones
An interesting choice considering subtle pallets were so last season
Not wanting to argue fashion with the creator, I don a vogue proof jacket and begin my journey

Festivities of the evening prior still hold leverage over my activities
I walk slowly as each quick movement grates my
My soles find the wet pavement invigorating
Like Mr. Miyagi, it encourages my damp feet to pick up their pace.

The fever shrinks as what seemed to only be a dollhouse a moment ago grows quickly into a lavish hotel
Has that always been there, I wonder
With no time for idle thoughts the voice of Mr. Miyagi swells with strain as
My stomach joins in his chorus.


I reach a corner and look right
Victory stares right back
As I size up my destination a bird chirps from across the street telling me to come.

My stomach commandeers my character and I run

As I approach salvation God, in true fashion queen status, impulsively corrects the outfit of the day
A beam of light guides me to the door and I open it
Consumed by satisfaction.

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