Sunday, January 4, 2009

life's journey

I began this journey alone
Strolling down life's path
Things appeared new, interesting...scary

I learned
To be comfortable in my journey
To be trust in myself
In my instincts.

But then I met another
Also on a journey
For a moment we walked together
Sharing what we had learned.

I smiled
Neither of us knew where we were going
Only a general direction
A direction we both partook.

Enjoying the company I got lazy
I forgot who I was
Which direction I was headed.

I stumbled
There were things in the road I didn't notice
Many unforeseen obstacles emerged in my path.

It became more and more difficult to share this route
There was only room for one
We held on a moment longer
Savoring what we knew could not last.

I stopped
Looked around
I had wandered off coarse
Our journeys no longer coincided.

So we part ways
Each a little smarter
Each a little hurt
And a lot more determined.

I continue this journey alone.

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