Friday, January 9, 2009

have i or haven't i

I wrote her a letter.
Didn't give it to her though.
I probably never will.
She reads too much anyway.

People read.  People write.
In that order.
Why is that?
Which came first?

What are circumstances so much that the words some poor soul poured out at some point in time make their way in front of my eyes so I may glimpse into the essence of another suffering the same condition as I?

The odds that I, Thomas Fitch, read what I read are immeasurable.  World renowned authors have written countless books that I haven't and never will even touch.  Billions wont touch.  But somehow I read a book this morning.  Somehow the stars aligned and God gave his blessing that the words of another human being may be passed onto me.  It boggles my mind.

I'm writing a blog.
Haven't posted it yet.
I probably never will.
No one reads blogs anyway.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

life's journey

I began this journey alone
Strolling down life's path
Things appeared new, interesting...scary

I learned
To be comfortable in my journey
To be trust in myself
In my instincts.

But then I met another
Also on a journey
For a moment we walked together
Sharing what we had learned.

I smiled
Neither of us knew where we were going
Only a general direction
A direction we both partook.

Enjoying the company I got lazy
I forgot who I was
Which direction I was headed.

I stumbled
There were things in the road I didn't notice
Many unforeseen obstacles emerged in my path.

It became more and more difficult to share this route
There was only room for one
We held on a moment longer
Savoring what we knew could not last.

I stopped
Looked around
I had wandered off coarse
Our journeys no longer coincided.

So we part ways
Each a little smarter
Each a little hurt
And a lot more determined.

I continue this journey alone.

Friday, January 2, 2009

morning walk

It's 9am and I'm hungry.

God decided the day was best dressed in a metallic grey ensemble accented by plunging gemstones
An interesting choice considering subtle pallets were so last season
Not wanting to argue fashion with the creator, I don a vogue proof jacket and begin my journey

Festivities of the evening prior still hold leverage over my activities
I walk slowly as each quick movement grates my
My soles find the wet pavement invigorating
Like Mr. Miyagi, it encourages my damp feet to pick up their pace.

The fever shrinks as what seemed to only be a dollhouse a moment ago grows quickly into a lavish hotel
Has that always been there, I wonder
With no time for idle thoughts the voice of Mr. Miyagi swells with strain as
My stomach joins in his chorus.


I reach a corner and look right
Victory stares right back
As I size up my destination a bird chirps from across the street telling me to come.

My stomach commandeers my character and I run

As I approach salvation God, in true fashion queen status, impulsively corrects the outfit of the day
A beam of light guides me to the door and I open it
Consumed by satisfaction.