Tuesday, December 9, 2008

hurricane plamena

I close my eyes.

my stomach churns
my heart jumps
my face ripens
in reaction to
a thought.

Chemicals in my brain
burst forth
the levee broken, my mind is flooded
more, more! I cry.

I lose control
overcome with

The thoughts cease
drowned by emotion
and I react.

My eyes snap open
blinded by chemicals I see only
your brain showering you in a similar manner.

Like machines we embrace
powered by drugs
two become one
nothing can stop us.

For a moment our souls
briefly tasting the concoction of flavor that comprises our entire

A pause.

Then the gutters fill
the sewers course
with weary chemicals
leaving barren streets behind.

The moment gone
we part
only now more curious
to taste what we missed.

And like noah I pray
for the streets of my mind to be
once again.

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